+91 9393990036
+91 9393990036
Mon - Sat: 09.00 to 18.00


In this mode, ZIONRAJU Bible College provides education for nonresident students. By this method, students who are already in ministry and cannot attend the on-campus bible training receive hard copies of lessons and materials via the postal service. We will present the same material we teach in regular classes in a simple manner to make it easier for the students to understand. Thousands of people around the world have been impacted and prove to be life changing by the material taught in this correspondence course. If you cannot attend ZIONRAJU Bible College on campus, we highly recommend enrolling in your correspondence course.The correspondence courses has

  • BTH
  • BD
  • MTH
  • MDIV
  • DD

Upon successful completion of the course, students must submit a written examination pertaining to their course module within a year. The exam can be taken online or physically within the correspondence period.

After successfully completing the course, students may pursue higher education.