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Bachelor of Theology


A Bachelor of Theology is a course which has been designed to equip students for Christian ministry and to lead people with spiritual discipline and knowledge.

The program seeks to provide a thorough understanding of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ.

What is it about?

  1. The course is beneficial to the students as it provides an opportunity for an intellectually rigorous study of the Christian faith from the perspective of Christian traditions and thought.
  2. The course also provides a thorough grounding where it recognizes the diversity of the Christian tradition.
  3. It also focuses on exegesis and hermeneutics and related subjects in Christian Theology.
  4. The course equips students to study the Biblehttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com so they are in a position to explain what it says and means.
  5. This course is perfect for those who want to learn more about spirituality and how churcheshttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com etc. came into existence.
  6. This course will also equip students with the skills to teach others regarding spirituality and the simple way of life.


Why study Bachelor of Theology?

  1. The course helps one to fulfill their spiritual longings.
  2. Students extensively learn about the concepts of theology.
  3. They are taught the implementations of these concepts in one’s day to day life.
  4. The course comes with various career opportunities. Students can either choose to work or to pursue further education in the respective field.
  5. The course imparts a wide variety of skills. Some of the skills imparted through the course are critical thinkinghttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com clear writinghttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com problem solving and analysis of social and historical trends.