+91 9393990036
+91 9393990036
Mon - Sat: 09.00 to 18.00


Free Bible Training

Yes, you heard that right

The Zionraju Bile College offers a free Bible training program to its students who are zealous toward God’s kingdom

Regular bible training requires students to attend classes in person and on campus. Every week there will be new subject with a new teacher. This will help students get interested in their studies as each week is more exciting than the previous week . Regular bible training requires students to follow 90{310cb4be76804894e093ca0a6cd4fdec19d0ba99e55bc01b943e032621afbcce}attendance and class timings. As a result, a disciplined environment can be created in the classroom. Students are allowed to share their views and clarify their doubts with the teacher, right away. Bible Training is more helpful due to a continuous interaction between students and teachers, as it helps students to get rid of their fears regarding preaching. And creates the ability for students to write their own notes during a class is more useful than getting a copy of the notes from the instructor

Our ZIONRAJU bible college Teachers plays a vital role in instilling discipline and providing a sense of direction to students in god’s will. Counselors and professors are available for additional assistance and guidance on campus. One-on-one or in-person teaching is effective and demonstrates increased levels of student engagement with teachers; it enhances students’ critical thinking skills, organizational skills,

By this Students gain more confidence in public speaking

The ZIONRAJU Bible College holds conferences every quarter with highly regarded speakers all over the world. This adds to the strength of the fellowship among the members.