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What Can I Do with a Bible Degree? Or after bible training


So you want to study the Bible. Congratulations! Whether you’re a high school senior, college student, or working professional, the opportunity to study Scripture is an immense blessing and will help you in your ministry and personal life. But what about professionally? If you’re not sure what kind of jobs or fields you can get into with a biblical studies degree, here are some ideas to get you started!


Many people who study biblical studies go on to earn graduate degrees (MDiv, MAR, ThM) and become pastors. A degree in biblical studies will provide a biblical and theological framework that will help prepare you to serve as a leader and visionary in the church, society, and world.

Here are a few different options:

  • Associate Pastor
  • Children’s Pastor
  • Youth Pastor
  • Teaching Pastor
  • Community Life Pastor
  • Spiritual Development Pastor



A Christian missionary is anyone who is commissioned by the Lord to make disciples. While many Christians think that missionaries are people who leave their homes and go to a developing nation to evangelize, missionaries come in all shapes and sizes.

There are many missionaries who go to “First World” countries to witness and build a community in Christ. Some are long-term missionaries who work in community development or plant churches. Others are short-term missionaries and spend time teaching English as a form of ministry.

As all Christians are called to be ambassadors of Christ, a degree in biblical studies will prepare anyone seeking to preach, teach, and share the gospel in order to transform the lives of others.


Many churches have full-time staff members, and a degree in biblical studies can help secure a job as a director of a branch of ministry in the church. As directors lead teams, make decisions, and work closely with other church members, it is important that they have a biblical foundation upon which to base their decisions.

There are many different kinds of directors in the church:

  • Children’s Programs Director
  • Youth Director
  • Worship Director
  • Women’s Ministry Director


Some biblical studies majors go on to become teachers. To teach in the public school system, you will have to earn certifications from the State. However, some private schools, including many Christian schools, do not require teacher certification, so a degree in biblical studies will provide you with a model for Christian education and give you a leg up on your competitors.


Those who major in biblical studies spend much of their time reading, writing, analyzing, and interpreting Scripture. As a result, many go on to find employment as writers and editors. A degree in biblical studies can help you become a writer and editor for both Christian and non-Christian magazines, newspapers, and various online platforms.


A chaplain is typically a minister who provides religious services and counsel. If you feel called to serve as a minister but want to focus on a specific ministry, consider working as a chaplain. As a chaplain, you can serve a variety of contexts depending on your gifts and passions. You can work in places like the following institutions:

  • Prisons
  • US Military (Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Air Force)
  • Professional Sports Teams
  • Hospitals
  • College/University
  • Police/Fire Department

Human Service Worker

Many students who are interested in majoring in Bible have a heart for serving those in need and pursue further education to work in counseling and social services fields. Some popular careers in these fields include the following:

  • Case Worker
  • Family and Child Social Worker
  • Substance Abuse Counselor
  • Probation Officer
  • School Guidance Counselor
  • Public Health Social Workers
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Clinical Psychologist

If you have a strong interest in the Christian faith and have a desire to help and serve others, a degree in biblical studies may be right for you. Although many people think that biblical studies majors only go on to become pastors, your college major can lead you to many jobs, fields, and even to graduate school to pursue another vocation or specialization. Your undergraduate degree is just the beginning!