Exodus from Egypt: Moses leads Israelites from Egypthttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com followed by 40 years of wandering in the desert.
Torahhttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com including the Ten Commandmentshttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com received at Mount Sinai.
Israelites settle in the Land of Israel
Jewish monarchy established; Saulhttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com first king.
Jerusalem made capital of David’s kingdom.
First Templehttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com the national and spiritual center of the Jewish peoplehttps://zionrajubiblecollege.com built in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
Divided kingdom: Judah and Israel
Israel crushed by Assyrians; 10 tribes exiled (Ten Lost Tribes).
Judah conquered by Babylonia; Jerusalem and First Temple destroyed; most Jews exiled.
Many Jews return from Babylonia; Temple rebuilt.